Sports Counseling
Certified Sports Counselors assist athletes in maximizing their mental and physical potential. The American Psychological Association (APA) lists sports counseling among the fastest-growing specialties in counseling and psychology. Sports counselors possess specialized counseling skills to improve the well-being, mental functioning, and physical performance of athletes and other members of the sport community such as trainers and coaches
With over 25 years of experience our sports counseling team here at TAP focuses on the client and their main goals.
TAP senior consultant, Dr. Amy Alexander, a certified sports counselor, can provide individuals, teams at all levels, and other members of the sport and athlete communities with research-based mental wellness supports uniquely designed for each client. Along with the general stressors of twenty-first century life, athletes face additional, unique challenges. Athletes at all levels of competition report higher incidents of eating disorders, stress and anxiety-related mental health issues, feelings of aggression, and being overwhelmed. These experiences can contribute to weaker athletic performance as well as more profound, long-term physical and psychological challenges that affect interpersonal and professional relationships and success.

Dr. Alexander also holds a master’s degree in education, as a certified school counselor, and a PhD in Counseling and Supervision. She is well qualified to assist student-athletes (SA’s) as well as professional athletes in deconstructing mental health concerns with over a quarter century of experience. Her approach is individualized for each client, incorporating her expertise in trauma and athlete mental wellness through specific intervention methods designed for each client.
TAP Consultants also use our combined years of experience and expertise that will provide your organization, school or non-profit with culturally relevant teaching practices and engaging employees, support staff, and students in their everyday roles within the organization’s environment.
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
John Maxwell